Conserving resources is a central goal of environmental policy. The German raw materials strategy was adopted in 2010, and the German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess) was published two years later. One goal of ProgRess is to strengthen the conservation of resources as a criterion for consumers. In order to better position resource-efficient products, consumer information is to be improved and consumer competence strengthened. At the same time, it can be observed that energy and climate protection issues play a central role in consumer advice. With the increasing conversion to low-CO2 types of energy production and the increasing spread of energy-saving technologies, aspects of comprehensive resource protection that go beyond climate protection are becoming relatively more important. They must therefore also be given greater consideration in consumer advice. The report at hand aims to identify the priority fields of action and possibilities for action for consumers that are central to resource-conserving consumption. To this end, the current state of research is summarised within the framework of a detailed literature analysis. As a central result of the literature analysis documented in this report, the big points of climate and resource-conserving consumption are identified. In addition, concrete recommendations for the future orientation of environmental consulting for consumers could also be derived.
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